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Effective remote working solutions

Covid-19 & Working From Home


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Ensuring Your Staff Operate Effectively During Covid-19

Working from home or self-isolating is increasing rapidly as businesses adapt to working with Covid-19.

Remote working poses special challenges for workers and employers.

Every company with staff working remotely will need to consider:

Access to the Right Kit and Software

Do staff members have access to the right IT equipment to do their job remotely? Can they access files remotely and securely? Your work based systems may well be covered by anti virus and other protective features that will need to be replicated on home based systems.

Seamless Diversion of Telephony

Many telephone systems will can already be accessed remotely, with the correct configuration. We ourselves offer complete low cost telecoms solutions for every requirement.

Reliable Internet Connectivity

Putting into place adequate broadband and ensuring stability.

Sufficient cyber security

Reflecting practices in the workplace, staff will need good cyber security at home to protect against the company’s confidential data being compromised or networks becoming subject to malware or other cyber crime.


Ensuring that company data at home is kept secure.

IT Support from £25 a month /PC

30 day contract

remote computer workers
Efficient homeworking is essential for businesses.
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